2023.4.26 Natureオンライン版 記事広告が掲載 されました

国際的な総合科学雑誌Natureオンライン版に、特集企画Focal Point on Bioplastics in Japanの一部として、記事広告が掲載されました。

Focal Point on Bioplastics in Japan (nature.com)(拠点の紹介)
Towards a circular economy through next-generation bioplastics(金沢大学:髙橋先生・伊藤先生)
Japan accelerates hunt for plastics that rapidly biodegrade in the ocean(金沢大学:竹内先生・和田先生記事)
Bacterial cellulose comes out of the woodwork(北海道大学:佐藤先生、田島先生)
A step closer to new nitrogen-fixing crops(名古屋大学:藤田先生)
How bacterial mutants could boost bioplastics(神戸大学:荻野先生)
A tangled web of sugar beets and plastic(草野作工)
How to transform a popular fruit into a plastic(MP五協フード&ケミカル株式会社)

Our advertisement feature was published on 27 April 2023, as part of Focal Point on Bioplastics in Japan in the online version of Nature,
a weekly international journal publishing the finest peer-reviewed research in science and technology.